Friday 6 March 2020

The different types of pool algae

If you own a pool, you must already be aware of the necessity of cleaning it regularly. Regular pool cleaning is one of the most important things to consider if you want to enjoy luxury. Regular pool cleaning will eventually give you the benefit of enjoying a crystal clear pool. If you don't do so, you will soon find out that your pool has turned into an algae-filled swamp.

The algae in your pool will not only damage your pool but will also prove to be harmful to your health. Algae has often resulted in unhygienic conditions, thereby causing a lot of problems. If you want to know how to beat the pool algae, you need to determine the different types of algae that usually infest your pool. Usually, there are different types of pool algae, such as yellow, black, and green. Every type of algae can be harmful to your house. Thus, you must take proper care of it.

It would help if you got in touch with professional pool service so as to ensure that your pool gets cleaned effectively. Some of the prominent dangers that can be caused by each type of algae include the following.

Black Algae
Every pool owner dreads the presence of black algae. Although it is known as black algae, it is dark blue-green in color. The moment you see dark black spots infesting the ground of your pool, know that it is soon about to become infested with black algae. However, one of the main characteristic features of black algae is that it proceeds pretty slow.

Also, if you get in touch with the right pool service, you can easily get rid of black algae, if you have detected it in the initial phase itself. Black algae if not taken care of properly, it can eventually cause structural damage. Nonetheless, you can easily get rid of algicides and sanitizers. A professional pool cleaning service will help to prevent the algae from spreading.

Green algae
Green algae are one of the most common and most found algae in your pool. The presence of green slime will indicate that your pool is infested with green algae. You can either apply a sanitizer or remove the green algae from your pool surface by brushing it.

However, the best method to kill green algae has often been considered using chemicals. Green algae grow at a fast pace. Therefore, you need to get in touch with experts who can help you deal with green algae easily. Green algae can make your pool ugly as if it is a swamp. If green algae are not controlled, it will grow out of control.

Yellow algae
Compared to black and green algae, yellow algae grows pretty slow. However, the only problem with this is that yellow algae can prove to be hard to remove. Chemically treating your pool with algaecide and chlorine is considered to be the best way to remove yellow algae.

Algae bloom should never be considered as a sign of discouragement. Algae is a common problem that every pool owner faces daily. Regular pool cleaning and chemical treatment can easily help to remove algae from the pool. You might as well get in touch with a professional pool automation company that can monitor your pool regularly. 

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